Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Man...just to let you know what type of day I was having, I was taking a shower and thought of trying one of my wife's many brands of shampoos, which now come in various shapes and designs, so I grabbed one of them and tried it, but for some reason I couldn't get it to open.  I tugged a little harder even used my teeth, but still the lid wouldn't budged.  "What the hell....man...what good is it to have a  fancy bottle if you can't even use it!" I started to bang the lid on the faucet, the shower head, the wall...and believe or not...even the bathroom sink, but yet no go!  Then I closely examined the shampoo bottle and guess what?  I HAD THE DAMM THING UPSIDE DOWN!  Oh God...I'm getting too old for this shit.  I was so pissed at myself, I didn't bother shampooing my hair...eh...what's left of it.