Saturday, April 28, 2018


The capture of the Golden Gate Killer was a long and tedious criminal investigation that took over forty years to solve thanks not to the high technology of our own justice system but through a ancestry data bank website that traces a family’s genealogy, which is now becoming a great concern for our American citizens, and if not it should be, according to former chief attorney for the forensics division of the Maryland Public Defender’s office. 

It’s funny how it wasn’t that much of a concern before the killer was capture, but it would not surprise me if the evidence obtained to capture the killer becomes somehow inadmissible due to a person’s privacy rights, which took the law officials no more than a subpoena to get the information from the ancestry website.  It is unfortunate that our sophisticated criminal system of the world’s most powerful nation does not have such data bank for DNA analysis. 

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Local Update-The Dangers of Vaping:

On this last Easter, I went to visit my Mom at her residence for this year’s family BBQ and I ran into my nephew, Peter, who just arrived from North Carolina with his finance where he plans on marrying her in our gracious state...congratulations...mijo!  I noticed every so often Peter would stepped outside and returned with this strange looking smoke pipe in his hand and he told me he was trying to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes so he switch to vaping also known as E-cigarettes- which is vapor created from a heating coil that contains the following ingredients: Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), Flavoring and Nicotine.

According to my nephew, his new hobby of vaping was a safer alternative to regular smoking, which is a very popular trend followed by millions of highschool students, so of course, I was  compelled to conduct some research on this topic because according to the medical experts of St. Johns Hopkins University, teens, who had not smoked tobacco cigarettes before and now starting vaping will most likely turn to tobacco cigarettes.  Also included in this research is evidence that vaping or smoking E-cigarettes is possibly linked to lung and bladder cancer due to the high levels of lead, chromium, manganese, nickel and nicotine.

World Update-Sanctions, Tariffs and Trade Wars...Oh My!

Trump is going ballistic with these new sanctions and tariffs, which basically means to penalize by way of discipline (sanctions) and to impose a charge on imports and exports (tariffs).  First a sanction with North Korea, which they don’t import much anyway besides, coal and fabric and then with China, who leads half of the world in aluminum and steel and now he’s playing this back and forth game with Russia.  Look...I know we are one of the most wealthiest nations in the world in relation to Gross Domestic Products (GDP) where we can afford to call our shots, but let’s not push it!  Because I would hate to have to take advantage of our North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and beg our neighborhood countries of Mexico for their homemade tortillas or for Canadian fur hats and coats so chingow Trumpudo if it ain’t broken don’t fix it! the way!  Stormy Daniels called me earlier and told me that they’re going ahead and push her lawsuit in court and she asked if I could serve you with some document...I think she called it a subpoena...uh no..a’s not it...a sub-penis...yeah that’s it...she told me to serve you with a sub-penis so alistate cabron!    Maybe I'll play that oldie song by the Classics IV,  “Oh Stormy...bring back that sunny day” while I’m applying that court order!

Thursday, April 5, 2018


I was called the other day to sell a house for a elderly lady, who held a corner lot in a nice part of Visalia, which gave me a problem conducting a comparable within a five mile radius because their were no other homes sold within the last decade except for a larger two story house around the block that was for sale for approximately $159 per sq. ft.  So I called my friend, Steve Justice from Reedley, who is a local appraiser as well as a real estate agent and I asked how much of a difference it will be per square foot since my client’s residence sat on a corner lot thinking that the value per square foot would be a little higher, but I was very surprised by his answer.  

“Well it depends!” he said.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“On the client.” he replied,

And I said, “Huh?”

He went on to explain how living on a corner lot can be both an disadvantage as well as an advantage because a corner lot receives most of the trash thrown by passing motorists and walking pedestrians (especially by students during their lunch hour) plus receives all the traffic from both sides, which tampers with a person’s privacy and possibly their peace of mind.  If the corner lot has a swimming pool “guess how many times the owner will have to clean their pools compared to their neighbors because someone decided to throw something inside of it due to the double exposure!” said Steve.  So even though a corner lot usually are larger than the common lot does not mean it is actually more valuable.  

“Depends on the personal preference of your client and the mindset of the appraiser that sets the value of that particular lot besides the other involved factors.” said Steve

Just food for thought!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

For what purpose is the wall at the Mexican border really going to be good for?  Oh!...I know! write graffiti on it, for instance, on the left side of the wall the Republicans will write “Donald Trump is not fulfilling his primary duties that he promised us during his campaign for the Presidency.” Then the Democrats will write on the right side of the wall, “Donald Trump does not see nor agree on our views in Democracy.”  While the Mexicans will write on their side of the wall, “Pinche pela!”