Thursday, January 26, 2017

TRUMP'S UP AND DOWN SPEECH it goes...For what I saw, which wasn't much, regarding Trump's speech, in fact, this was the first time I've seen the guy act like a normal human being, but there was some likes and dislikes I had about his speech.  Let's start with his fight on immigration reform-He wants to enhance the border patrol's capabilities on the powers of arrest and prioritize border prosecutions, which I'm guessing that if a illegal immigrant commits a felonious act of crime, he or she will be prosecuted here in the states instead of just being deported back to their country of origin.  And this brings up another controversial subject he had talked about, which was the idea of enforcing sanctuary cities to follow federal law or stand the chance of having their federal funding cut-off, which could possibly cost them hundreds of millions of dollars...actually about 2.7 billion dollars the last time I heard.

I've had several people ask me what was the meaning behind a sanctuary city, which are all over this country including San Francisco and Los Angeles.  One definition describes a sanctuary city as a broad term applied to a jurisdiction( in this case a city) that either have policies or practices that are designed to limit any cooperation with the federal immigration department with the action, for ex. an arrest of a illegal alien that needs to be notified or addressed to the federal immigration department, but are not.  Another example would be like the Los Angeles Police Department indicating last year that they will not allow their patrol officers to stop people solely to establish their immigration status, which is a requirement demanded from the federal government.  Now I would like to make one suggestion, where if a illegal immigrant from any foreign country is arrested for committing any acts of violence, sexual assault or drug offense should serve a lengthy prison term in the U.S to its full capacity, in better words, none of this short-time crap, and then be deported to their country without any chance of obtaining there citizenship in the United States and if they are caught in our country again then increase their incarceration substantially similar to the 3-strikes you're out law.  I disagree with enforcing some of the federal immigration ordinances or policies where a police officer should stop a person just to check their immigration status because there are lot of good hard working illegal immigrants that obey our laws and promote this nation's economy, we just need to convince them to obtain their citizenship and join in on paying our taxes maybe perhaps by initiating special incentives, for instance, a large reduction in the citizenship process or teach them the benefits of becoming a U.S citizen like voting rights and employment with the federal government.

Trump declared in a GOP Republic meeting that he has the full support of the Republican party to built a wall at the borderline between the U.S and Mexico...hmm..funny they don't mention Canada where wanted felons love to cross and drugs are brought in along with the Cuban cigars during the embargo.  Well..this project is going to cost anywhere from 15 to 40 billion dollars to build and who do you think is going to fit the bill?...Mexico?   Uuh...that's hard to imagine especially after the Mexican president has just canceled his meeting with Trump for next week regarding it's construction!  So how is Donald going to have Mexico pay for this?  Stop foreign aid or place tariffs on their trade...careful Mr. Trump...for a sword sometimes is double-sided!  Shouldn't we use the 15 billion dollars to enhance our border patrol instead because wall or not it will not stop these drug cartels from importing that's for sure.

Now I did like the way Donald handled the 35% business tax initiated on any U.S  business that want to transfer their company out of the U.S to another foreign country, which is approx. $35,000 out of a $100,000, so I give you a couple of points there Mr. President, but if you plan to commit to cutbacks of federal funding and grants administered by federal agencies to enforce the sanctuary cites regarding following immigration law, let me remind you...that the courts have a rule that any federal funding decisions may not be used to "coerce" any state for not participating on any particular action, but who knows...after all, we live in a society where the buck is above the law!  And please don't waste any time and money ( may it be out of your wallet or ours) to conduct your own investigation regarding the presidential voting scandal because I'm sure it will be covered up if the investigation reveals anything of a disadvantage toward you and what good well come out of it?  Let's make sure it doesn't happen again and move on!

Sunday, January 22, 2017



Their stings can cause a deadly anaphylactic reaction where a human's airway are blocked or can even cause a cardiac arrest.  The Vespa Mandarina also known as the "Tiger Head"is the largest hornet species in the world, which is roughly the size of a human thumb, and can carry a venom so powerful that it will destroy the red blood cells of a human being.  These hornets are directly responsible for the deaths of 42 people and injuring another1,675 Chinese victims since July of 2016 and that is not including other related deaths in the neighboring Asian countries of Korea, Japan, India and Nepal.

A Chinese woman named, Mu Conghui, was attending to her crops when she was suddenly swarmed by these giant hornets, and stung her in the head and in the legs, which paralyzed her whole body.  Two months later after 13 dialysis treatments and 200 stitches later, she still cannot move from her hospital bed.  They tend to be more aggressive during the months of September and October and do NOT hibernate until December.  They also tend to be extra sensitive and aggressive when humans and animals run and attracted to human sweat, alcohol. sweet flowers and certain smells or odors.

These flying killers, also described as a wasp analog of a pit bull, feast on other wasps and bees by biting their heads off during coordinated attacks on their hives.  Their nests are usually located in secluded places like a hollow tree, log or even underground and described as basketball shape made out of grey paper.  These deadly insects are very unlikely to travel to the United States because they would not be able to cross the nasty deserts of Western Europe, which they are not adapted to.

There are drinks served in the Asian countries that employ the body parts of the giant hornet, for instance, in Japan there is a sports energy drink called VAAM, which incorporates the amino acids of the hornet and in Taiwan where the insect is served as a alcoholic drink.  Now that's what I call a "buzz".

Saturday, January 21, 2017

HONORABLE MENTION: Tom Smith-Lawman Without A Gun

He was a professional middleweight boxer in the 1840's before he decided to become a policeman in the city of New York, but he later left due to a accidental killing of a 14 yr old boy.  It was rumored before becoming a police officer that he had worked for the Union Pacific railroad in the town of Bear River, which was full of rowdy drunk railroad workers, who were causing chaos in the small city until its residents formed a vigilante group and hung three of the railroad workers and random arrest.  The railroad workers revolted by burning the jail down and the fleeing vigilantes went into hiding inside a log cabin and took sniper shots at the vengeful railroad workers where one of their bullets struck one of Tom's friends.  Feeling enraged, Tom pulled out a gun and charged at the log cabin while under fire, but he maintained his position,  After the attack, Tom Smith walked to a nearby friend's house and collapsed right in front of him nearly dying from his bullet wounds, but he fully recuperated and this was where he earned the nickname of Tom"Bear River" Smith.

In 1870, Tom headed to Abilene, Kansas, which was in need of a town marshall, but his quiet demeanor did not impress the city council and they selected a ex-calvary man instead, who quickly coward out upon seeing the bullets holes on a "No Guns Allowed" poster.  The city council immediately turned to Smith, who after receiving his badge, mounted on his tall grey horse named "Silverheels" and rode to the Texas section of Abilene and encountered a large Texan named "Big Hank".  Smith advised Big Hank about the gun ordinance, but Big Hank refused to give up his guns so after a second attempt, Tom delivered a devastating punch and send him to the ground taking Hank's gun from his holster.   Big Hank got back on his feet and was never seen again.

Tom's next opponent was a cowboy named "Wyoming Frank", who heard of Smith and was determined to get rid of the lawman once and for all, so he confronted him in a gunfight.  Tom would try to get closer to Wyoming Frank, but he would back up to make enough room to draw his weapon. After a refusal from a second attempt to collect Wyoming Frank's firearm, Tom threw two thundering blows just as Wyoming Frank backed out the saloon through the double doors, where he quickly confiscated his pistol before he hit the ground.  Wyoming Frank was never seen again.

Tom Smith was paid $150 a month plus $2.00 per conviction and in 48 hours of his employment as the town marshall everyone in the town of Abilene had turned in their weapons.  During the next two months, Smith had survived two assassination attempts and left a trail of bruises and broken ribs where there were claims of a man, who almost bit off his tongue when a blow to the jaw was delivered by the lawman and another incident where a violator made a flip in the air while on his horse when Smith landed one of his devastating right crosses to his forehead.

Then on November 2, 1870, Smith went to arrest a murderer named Andrew McConnell ten miles outside Abilene , but when the wanted criminal heard that he had a arrest warrant, he shot Smith in the chest.  The lawman quickly returned fire and they both grappled to the ground.  When Smith was on top of McConnell, a friend of his named Moses Miles struck Smith from behind with his handgun and then attacked him with a ax nearly decapitating him.  Thomas "Bear River" Smith was buried at the Abilene cemetery where his body remains today.  Both McConnell and Miles were later captured and sentenced to serve long terms in prison.  Afterwards, the town of Abilene returned to the land of lawlessness until a new town marshall took over the realms named James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickock, but that's another saga.
Thomas "Bear River" Smith

Sunday, January 8, 2017


ALLIED-with Brad Pitt regarding the Nazi regime.
LIVE BY NIGHT-with Ben Affleck regarding the Florida Underworld.
DEEPWATER HORIZON-with Mark Wahlberg.
LOVING-about a interracial couple.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


  It was 1983 when I was stationed in 29 Palms, California, which is the air-ground combat center for the U.S Marine Corps located deep in the Mojave desert. I was serving my last year of a 3-year term where I had spent my first two years as a field grunt soldier and now attending a training class as a top-secret operator for the Central Communications division.  After I was finished with the training, I was to be assigned to Lebanon in Beirut to establish a Comm. center during peacekeeping time with the other multinational forces like France, Italy and the U.K., but on Oct. 23, a suicide bomber drove a pick-up truck filled with explosives and purposely crashed into a Marine barrack killing 220 U.S Marine soldiers and 21other military personnel, which automatically ended my visiting reservation there. Around the same time, another bomber crashed into a French military base and killed approximately 58 French paratroopers.  It was later revealed that the Hezbollah, a militant political group, were to be blamed for the attacks at the direction of the Iranian government and a U.S district judge ordered the country of Iran to pay approximately $2.65 billion dollars to the survivors and family members of the deceased Marines.

I remembered how everything in the military realm quickly shifted into a transition from a jungle warfare mindset to the abrupt philosophy of desert combat training, which physically changed every aspect of military ingenuity, up to the uniforms we wore, to blend-in with the Saudi-desert scenario and I remembered when I walked out of Comm. class for a quick break and I saw a small squadron running in formation around the military base.  They wore regular white-t-shirts and camouflage pants with black military boots, but what specially caught my attention was the way they were running in a forward/slanted position without moving their arms from their sides.  I actually found their running technique to be quite amusing and even cracked a few jokes about them to my fellow comrades as they ran past us around the camp, which was a everyday routine.  I later discovered that this small peculiar group were the Marine Corps Reconnaissance Rangers, a specialized military group, whose major duties included amphibious reconnaissance, deep ground reconnaissance, battle space shaping and limited scale raids in support of the Marine Expeditionary Force and other Marine related task-force duties
The Recon unit needed some desert training, which explained their presence here, but at the same time, the entire base was emptied out because the whole division had left on a major military field exercise with the exception of us comm. guys because our MOS usually kept us close to home base, but there was a sudden shortage of field radio operators, which was  required in the recon’s training exercise..and this..of course... is where I came into the picture.  Before I knew it, I found myself staring at the sandy dunes of the Mojave desert instead of the cozy comforts of my cushioned leather chair at the blue screen of my computer monitor because I was forcibly nominated as the unit’s new field radio man, who didn’t even have a clue how to operate one.  So I crammed up for the next three days on the operating procedures of a portable field radio before I began my recon assignment and now here I am as a non-volunteer member of a very specialized elite military unit, whose life expectancy as a field-radio operator during actual combat was predicted to last approximately ...well...let’s just say..uhh... a whole 6 minutes! point exactly!

But I wasn’t too worried, after all, I was in great shape at the time...running 5 miles a day, doing 300-500 pushups every night (that’s in sets), playing racquetball and weight-lifting three times a week, so I was good to go...or so I thought.  It was extra hot and humid on my first day and I only took what was necessary besides the radio and we humped (walked) for several miles without any problems,in fact, I was still quite refreshed.  “This is not so bad” I thought, but then they started running...the recon way...with the slanted position and their arms to the side.  “Oh no!” I thought to myself, “ I ain’t running like that...especially after making fun of them all this time.  What would the guys think of me if they saw me!”  So I started jogging like a normal Jesse Owens would...and I kept up for awhile, but 10 miles later...we were still damm running and I began to get a little winded, but my personal pride wouldn’t allowed me to quit and forced me to go on even though the gap between me and the rest of the rangers were becoming wider and wider until...they disappeared altogether and then...I was lost!  Everything around me looked the same...from East to West, North to was nothing, but frickin sand everywhere and I tried to follow their shoe prints, but they instantly disappeared with the wind.  So there I stood for hours with my finger up my ass feeling doomed and looking out for the buzzards when I finally heard someone yelling from a distance, “Hey dumbass what’s taking you!’”  I wiped the sweat off my brow and gazed through the desert’s horizontal heatwaves to see one of recon guys standing on top of a large sanding hill and by the time I reached him I must of been called every bad word that existed in the world dictionary of nastyville, in fact, til this day I’ve been still trying to figure out who my mother really is and that’s not including what the other recon soldiers later told me when we finally caught up with them.   

For a week they gave me a hard time because I kept falling behind everytime we conducted a drill then finally I gave in and found out the reason why they ran in a peculiar manner and that was because they were conserving energy by not using their arms and the forward motion of their body was for less wind resistance, which explained why they could run for miles without getting tired, so there I go running like that and looking silly and you know what?  It worked!  As time went on, I ran further and longer without getting winded using this silly-ass technique and we even ex-changed positions in the squad where I would be the scout one day, heavy equipment the next day, squad leader the third day and so on while every recon ranger learned the operating procedures of the field radio.  After a few months, we got to be good buddies where they showed me their combat moves and tactics and even how to pass the recon’s specialized training at their boot camp because I had decided to join their elite group. (I was later sent to Fresno’s 4th LAMM battalion before I had a chance to enlist with them).  

After we came back to base everybody returned from their major field exercise and I went back to class to resume my comm. training.  One day during break, we saw the rangers running across the camp and my fellow comrades looked at me to see what joke I was going to come up with about them though nothing came out of my mouth, but a smile.  “Dude...what’s’re not saying anything.” said a student.  “Naww..not this time,” I replied, “You never might need their help some day.”