One day I went for a drive with my partner, Devon Popovich, to his brother-in-law’s residence, Mario, which was in the outskirts of Orange Cove. We talked for a few minutes and in the middle of the conversation, Devon mentioned to Mario, “You know he’s from O.C too” and Mario replied,”Yeah...I know,” which startled both of us. “ you know Cruzer then?” asked Devon. “He jumped me one time when he use to be with the Deacons” he replied. I was dumbfounded! Because, in the first place, I was never a Deacon, which was a local street gang in O.C even though a lot of their members grew up on my street and we went to school together, in fact, their president lived across the street from my house, but I had my own click and I never became a active member of their gang. but yet Mario was adamant that I, along with several other Deacons, pulled him and several of his friends out of his car and robbed them on Main Street, which was dead center of town.
I backed away a few steps, “Man you are sadly mistaken” I said, “Believe me I would of remembered this...I don’t play that way...dude.” Devon had this look on his face as if he was thinking to himself, “Awkward...maybe I should of had him wait in the car instead!” I continued to plead my innocence until he said, “ told me to stay down and pretend that you robbed me so that the other guys wouldn’t do anything to me!” Suddenly I had a flashback, “Oh shit!” I thought, but Mario had his facts all twisted up because he and his buddies were really wasted that time.
He had his friends had just came out the pub that night, which was a small bar located at the end of Main street, and they were whooping and hollering out loud as they were walking...(actually stumbling) home. Me and my two buddies, who I will call David and Lupe, had drank a case of Budweiser and a fifth of 80% Bacardi each and David had the genius idea of doing something risky like break into a store or into someone’s home, at that very instant, along came the three stooges singing Vincente Fernandez’s songs at the top of their lungs. Against my wishes, David convinces Lupe to mugged these guys so they each confront one on one and the pouncing began. The third guy takes off running down the street yelling for the cops, “Policia...Policia” and David yells out, “Cruzer don’t let him get away!” so pendeho me was able to tackled him down, and he was in a total panic as I pinned him to the ground, but I immediately told him, in Spanish, that I was not going to hurt him, which gradually brought him back to his senses. I didn't want the other guys to see that I wasn’t doing anything to this guy because I feared for his safety, so I pretended that the Police were coming, “The cops...the cops...we gotta go!” and off we went.
“That was you...huh?” I said shamefully. “Uh huh and now you’re a cop?” said Mario. “I was stupid back then” I replied, “ I’ve made better friends along the way” and I pointed toward Devon. “Obviously” he replied, “Anyway...thanks for the handout." “Yeah don’t mentioned it” I said.
Several years later while on patrol, we had a barricaded subject at the John-Henry’s lounge in Dinuba on South L street and the suspect was a old home-boy of mine, who was drugged up and armed with a handgun. He had become upset because the bartender discontinued his tab so he waived his weapon around and demanded to be serve. During the standoff, he asked for me by name, “ I’ll surrender to Cruz only...don’t bring anybody else in!”, so there I go waltzing inside, but I wasn’t really worried because I have known Chung King for quite sometime, in fact, he was relieved to see me, “Cruzer! was hoping you were working bro” he said, “Man...I’m so glad to see you...I told myself...the only way I going to come out is by having a fellow Deacon take me in.” “Deacon!” I replied as I placed the handcuffs on him, “Shit...did I robbed you too!”