Friday, December 1, 2017


Congratulations to my wife, Olivia Balderas and to my in-laws, Benjamin and Maria Corrales for receiving their U.S citizenship at the Fresno Convention Center on November 21, 2017.    

The ceremony lasted approximately two hours, which contained over 2,500 successful applicants from various foreign countries ranging all the way from Africa to Zimbabwe.  I’m especially proud of my wife because she always thought since she did not graduate from highschool when she was a young teenager that she was not cut out to study for anything specific because she lacked the discipline needed to become a good student. “I’m the hands on type of person.” she’d say...well guess’s never too late!  The immigration department supplied her with 100-index cards containing the questions to be asked on the U.S citizen test, which only 20 were to be asked on the actual test. Needless to say, my wife was only familiar with one of the questions when she first started off, but the day before the test, she knew every question by heart...all 100 of them! Just proves to show you that if you apply yourself...anything is possible. 

What impressed me the most about the ceremony was when the main spokeperson called the number of successful applicants from each country alphabetically, which went something like this...Africa 1, Belgium 2, Canada 3, and so on...the highest number 13 was from El Salvador...then Mexico was announced...625...625 Mexican-Americans stood up and cheered supported by another 2,500 family members and loved ones, who were cheering in the audience a number and to think of it this significant recognition is conducted three times a year with the same results, which are under a special program where the applicants are waived the fee, and that is not including other ceremonies where the applicants have to pay $750 to obtain their citizenship, which also are conducted three times a year with the same result.  By the time, Trump finishes building the wall there will be no-one from Mexico left to illegally cross over to the U.S except for the drug-peddlers, who will be using the wall as a revolving door. which will be secretly installed every 100 yards.  

Our Mexican bloodline is thickening the U.S population where our children and grandchildren will be given the golden opportunity to engage in our education system, open job and career opportunities, medical and scientific breakthroughs and research, and just as important, but vital is the role of political influence (where our people will be just as much involved in making imperative national decisions), which is still considered to be a minority group(16%) but there has been a steady flow in our population (60%) since 1990 and that number is increasing at a alarming rate especially with the verbal threats of a Mexican blockade by President Trump, therefore, our race is replenishing every state in the U.S and...yes...District Of Columbia...we’ll be coming there soon...knocking on your door and selling our homemade tamales and chile instead of avoiding us...why not join us...forget the hate and make this country great...once again.

Again congratulations to my wife and in-laws for all their hard work and participation in broadening and optimizing the thriving roadway of our much distinguished and authentic culture. “Together We Can Be United And Be Noticed...Together We Can Build Only By Taking Action...Together We Can Succeed And Our Raza Will Always Be Remembered...Forever!  Buena Salud Mis Hermanos!

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