It’s CRAZY how many Donald Trump supporters there are, which according to statistics, is about half the population of this beloved country. He promises.. no actually guarantees.. on national television to make changes in our federal government system if elected U.S president, yet, he has never held a political office at the state or federal level, so how can he make these guarantees without any in-sight on how things are run at the White House?
Nonetheless, the news media like CNN network follow his every word as if he walked on water every time he prepares to open his mouth with more verbal insults on foreign culture, race, gender, his competition and our neighboring country of Mexico. It was hilarious to see when Trump promised to build a large wall between the U.S and Mexican borders and supposedly Mexico was going to finance the entire project then below his televised speech on CNN in the highlighted small headlines was a indication that Mexico wasn’t going to pay for shit! Isn’t it funny that one of his so-called promises has already been shot down and hasn’t been elected president yet! And now he is requesting from our old enemy “Russia” to conduct a international investigation on one of our former diplomats? That’s right, Donald let’s just show the rest of the world that our powerful nation cannot handle our own internal problems.
I have news for you, Trump fans, there exist a prestigious group call “Congress” who have, among other White House duties, immense control over budgetary policy, taxation, regulate commerce of foreign power, investigate and oversee the executive office, which includes impeachment of the U.S President. Congress also have the power to pass or execute bills and proposals initiated by the President or other constituents, and let’s not talk about the ping-pong battle between the two houses and the executive office whenever the President vetoes a proposal and yet, Trump thinks he can just walk in the White House and call the shots like he does in his own TV show? And there are thousands of Americans, who support this guy! I just don’t get it!
If a majority of our country’s patrons are unhappy with our current government system and the people who run it ,then find someone, who is not superficial, pretentious and qualifies, honest and respectful with excellent communication skills and high moral standards and elect him to office, but don’t pick a candidate, who does nothing but makes empty promises or I am talking to the same group of people, who would of followed the Reverend Jim Jones to Jonestown or David Koresh to Waco, Texas or perhaps will faithfully follow the “false prophet” so predicted in the Holy Bible..https://www.lawfareblog.com/trump-national-security-threat
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