Thursday, November 17, 2016


Last Saturday on Shaw Avenue and Blackstone there was supposedly 400 protesters against the newly-elected presidency of Donald Trump, which is also happening in other parts of this country where people (mostly Democrats) are getting injured, stabbed and even going to jail.  Why are they doing this?  I mean...I'm just as pissed off as the next guy that Trump won, but who are we really hurting with these riots if not ourselves?  It's not going to change things I assure you!  If the people in this country did not want this to happen then what should of been done was to assemble these same groups, who are currently un-happy, and campaigned out in the streets by knocking on every door and made sure that the other 43% (who didn't voted) to get out and do what is expected from every American citizen....VOTE!  What good is all this ruckus now!  Let's show the rest of the world that we have our act together and behave appropriately and see what actions our new president will set for our great nation to follow.  If he becomes to be a big disappointment then we all should get together in three years and work our butts off to campaign for the next Democratic President of 2020...Hmm shall we say...Michele Obama maybe...think about it!

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