Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I keep hearing from people that they are in complete panic if Donald Trump wins the Presidency, but what many don't know is that our fearless leader (may it be a man or woman...personally  I prefer Hillary) do have their limitations, which can make it difficult for Trumpy to build that wall he's been promising America, which would probably require us Mexicans to build it in the first place...yeah right.. like that's going to happen!

According to Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which was enacted in 1789, a U.S President has several major roles, for instance, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Head of State and Government, the Execution and Enforcement of the laws (which are created by Congress) and as Chief Executive where he can direct any executive agency he desires, but he must operate within the confines of the law with the mindset that Congress have the power to remove or impeach him, remember Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton?

 Even though he is the main director of several vital departments like Foreign Policy, he does lack power in the Legislation Department (domestic and legal affairs), for example, when the Supreme Court rebuked President Obama's selection on the National Labor Relation Board in June 2014 and the filibuster nonsense created by the Republicans during his nominee of the Supreme Court Judge Garland during the replacement of Judge Scalia and though the President can use his veto power to stop certain policies, laws or other legislative transactions issued by Congress, a override can occur if both Houses (Senators and State Representatives) agree on 2/3 of their votes to cancel or block his veto, therefore, much of the President's action do require the full support of Congress.  The people, who have the real power in the Whitehouse and over the President are those who funded his campaign (besides his wallet) and those he employs and those who frequently visits him and make claims on his or her's political promises.

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