Tuesday, November 6, 2018


What is really going on?  First of all, we have these packages of supposedly bomb materials being delivered to democratic officials and celebrities known to be political adversaries of President Trump, and apparently the arrested Florida suspect (declared as a fanatical "Trump" supporter) is allegedly responsible for sending these items although more of these packages are still being delivered to other places after his apprehension, which includes the Channel 24 TV station in Fresno.  

What's interesting to me this occurred, almost at the same time, when people from central America are migrating into the United States where approximately 5,200 U.S. soldiers and specialized detention facilities with barbed wire fences are waiting for their arrival.

There are dozens of street rumors floating around behind the real reason of these sudden migrations besides the fear of gang retaliation or the agony of food starvation, which actually been happening there for several decades, but another story arises that there are certain unknown individuals actually contributing financial funds to some immigrants to pursue this spur of the moment caravan!  True or not..what is the real motivation behind that?  

Now let's think for a minute about this concept, let's just say, for the right price, a deranged individual from the caravan is instructed to fire a gunshot in the air when they confront the armed troopers at the border line where some soldiers don't have much combat experience and are feeling extremely anxious...what do you think will happen next?  Are women and children in harms way?  Is this a master plan from who knows who to place our country in racial turmoil because can you imagine how us (Latinos) in the U.S. will react if this does happens!  Now I'm no Trump supporter, but I definitely believe there are other peaceful methods to demonstrate any political dislikes than to endanger peoples lives...let's just hope it doesn't happened here!

Sunday, July 15, 2018





If interested call, text or e-mail Cruz (559)940-0068, cruz3903@att.net

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Benjamin Franco Corrales

Enlightens with joy
Upon hearing your very first cry
Regardless to him if you were born a girl or a boy

Worries when you are sick
Concerns when you are sad
Cries when you are in pain
Angers when you are bad

Amuses when you laugh
Acts proud when you are strong
Shows compassion when you are weak
Rewards when you are right
Forgives when you are wrong

Teaches you his skills and knowledge
Warns you of his past mistakes
Provides you with solutions to your problems
Supports you of any life decisions you make

Hopes all your dreams and goals
Sympathizes all your woes and tears
Blesses all your accomplishments 
Resents all your foes and fears

Will be by your side as you
cradle your newborn in your arms
advising you how to become the
best parent you possibly can be

You will face and say,
“I promise Papa...I promise that
I will make this child’s life
to be as lucky and wonderful
as you made it for me!”

"My Pops"
Cruz Molina Balderas


Saturday, April 28, 2018


The capture of the Golden Gate Killer was a long and tedious criminal investigation that took over forty years to solve thanks not to the high technology of our own justice system but through a ancestry data bank website that traces a family’s genealogy, which is now becoming a great concern for our American citizens, and if not it should be, according to former chief attorney for the forensics division of the Maryland Public Defender’s office. 

It’s funny how it wasn’t that much of a concern before the killer was capture, but it would not surprise me if the evidence obtained to capture the killer becomes somehow inadmissible due to a person’s privacy rights, which took the law officials no more than a subpoena to get the information from the ancestry website.  It is unfortunate that our sophisticated criminal system of the world’s most powerful nation does not have such data bank for DNA analysis. 

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Local Update-The Dangers of Vaping:

On this last Easter, I went to visit my Mom at her residence for this year’s family BBQ and I ran into my nephew, Peter, who just arrived from North Carolina with his finance where he plans on marrying her in our gracious state...congratulations...mijo!  I noticed every so often Peter would stepped outside and returned with this strange looking smoke pipe in his hand and he told me he was trying to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes so he switch to vaping also known as E-cigarettes- which is vapor created from a heating coil that contains the following ingredients: Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), Flavoring and Nicotine.

According to my nephew, his new hobby of vaping was a safer alternative to regular smoking, which is a very popular trend followed by millions of highschool students, so of course, I was  compelled to conduct some research on this topic because according to the medical experts of St. Johns Hopkins University, teens, who had not smoked tobacco cigarettes before and now starting vaping will most likely turn to tobacco cigarettes.  Also included in this research is evidence that vaping or smoking E-cigarettes is possibly linked to lung and bladder cancer due to the high levels of lead, chromium, manganese, nickel and nicotine.

World Update-Sanctions, Tariffs and Trade Wars...Oh My!

Trump is going ballistic with these new sanctions and tariffs, which basically means to penalize by way of discipline (sanctions) and to impose a charge on imports and exports (tariffs).  First a sanction with North Korea, which they don’t import much anyway besides, coal and fabric and then with China, who leads half of the world in aluminum and steel and now he’s playing this back and forth game with Russia.  Look...I know we are one of the most wealthiest nations in the world in relation to Gross Domestic Products (GDP) where we can afford to call our shots, but let’s not push it!  Because I would hate to have to take advantage of our North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and beg our neighborhood countries of Mexico for their homemade tortillas or for Canadian fur hats and coats so chingow Trumpudo if it ain’t broken don’t fix it!

Oh...by the way!  Stormy Daniels called me earlier and told me that they’re going ahead and push her lawsuit in court and she asked if I could serve you with some document...I think she called it a subpoena...uh no..a subpanias...no..no..that’s not it...a sub-penis...yeah that’s it...she told me to serve you with a sub-penis so alistate cabron!    Maybe I'll play that oldie song by the Classics IV,  “Oh Stormy...bring back that sunny day” while I’m applying that court order!

Thursday, April 5, 2018


I was called the other day to sell a house for a elderly lady, who held a corner lot in a nice part of Visalia, which gave me a problem conducting a comparable within a five mile radius because their were no other homes sold within the last decade except for a larger two story house around the block that was for sale for approximately $159 per sq. ft.  So I called my friend, Steve Justice from Reedley, who is a local appraiser as well as a real estate agent and I asked how much of a difference it will be per square foot since my client’s residence sat on a corner lot thinking that the value per square foot would be a little higher, but I was very surprised by his answer.  

“Well it depends!” he said.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“On the client.” he replied,

And I said, “Huh?”

He went on to explain how living on a corner lot can be both an disadvantage as well as an advantage because a corner lot receives most of the trash thrown by passing motorists and walking pedestrians (especially by students during their lunch hour) plus receives all the traffic from both sides, which tampers with a person’s privacy and possibly their peace of mind.  If the corner lot has a swimming pool “guess how many times the owner will have to clean their pools compared to their neighbors because someone decided to throw something inside of it due to the double exposure!” said Steve.  So even though a corner lot usually are larger than the common lot does not mean it is actually more valuable.  

“Depends on the personal preference of your client and the mindset of the appraiser that sets the value of that particular lot besides the other involved factors.” said Steve

Just food for thought!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

For what purpose is the wall at the Mexican border really going to be good for?  Oh!...I know!...to write graffiti on it, for instance, on the left side of the wall the Republicans will write “Donald Trump is not fulfilling his primary duties that he promised us during his campaign for the Presidency.” Then the Democrats will write on the right side of the wall, “Donald Trump does not see nor agree on our views in Democracy.”  While the Mexicans will write on their side of the wall, “Pinche Trumpo...me pela!”

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Trump is now requesting for the Military (Pentagon) to help pay for the infamous "Wall" at the Mexican border, which has already cost Congress approximately $1.6 billion dollars.  In retaliation, after the Wall is completely finished, the Military are planning to use one of their own tanks and blow the whole damm thing down! 

Sunday, March 25, 2018


There once in the kingdom of many, ruled a King, who was so poor due to his land being dry producing very little crop that he eventually grew scorned with greed and stole the Sun, Moon and Stars leaving the people of his kingdom with twenty years of doom and despair obscuring any chances of freedom and future happiness. 

One day a pauper, wearing an old dirty robe and a hood shadowing his face, entered the King’s castle making a request for the Sun as it will allow the people in the kingdom to prevail and work again.

“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King.

“As a gift from the people,” replied the pauper, “They will give you a portion of their harvest!”

After giving his request some thought, the greedy King reluctantly agreed and reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Sun ridding the people’s fears of doom from his kingdom.

The pauper then made a second request for the Moon as it will allow the people in the kingdom to have their rest at night.

“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King. 

“As a gift from the people,” replied the pauper, “They will give you one whole hour of worship before they retire!”

After giving his request some thought, the greedy King reluctantly agreed and reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Moon ridding the people’s fears of despair from his kingdom.

The pauper then made a third request for the Stars, but upon seeing that his treasure chest would soon to be bare, the greedy King became angry.  

“For what absurd purpose do the people need the Stars?” he shouted.

“So they can dream!” replied the pauper.

“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King.

There was a sudden moment of silence.

“Nothing!” firmly replied the pauper, “Absolutely.....nothing!”

The greedy King was astonished by the pauper’s answer, but he still gave his request some thought...very much so that a smile slowly emerged on the King’s face as he hastily reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Stars rescinding the dreams of the people in his kingdom back to the skies.

The pauper turned around and about to leave the castle when the King called him back.

“Please tell me!” begged the insightful King, “If I have nothing left....why do I feel so worthy and content with myself?”

The pauper returned back and unfolded the hood that covered his face revealing a long flock of hair and a beard with gentle eyes as dark as the night, but yet mysteriously magical and just as equally mesmerizing.

”As A Gift From Me!” he softly replied.

moral of the story;
Let’s Learn From Other People’s Ignorance

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The self-driving cars still have a few kinks to work out before releasing it into our society again, but it'll happen  sooner or later.

Trump is thinking on tacking the death penaly on certain drug trafficking offenses specifically dealing with opiates...hmm...interesting...maybe!

related topics: (Trump pushes death penalty for some drug dealers - CNNPolitics )

(Self-driving vehicle strikes and kills pedestrian in Arizona - ABC News)

Monday, March 19, 2018


Man is there anybody out there we can really trust?  How do we know if the Russians never left the Cold War, which supposedly ended in 1989 and secretly supporting the North Koreans and the Al-Queda financially and How do we know if the Israelis are not behind these Muslim extremist lone wolf attacks to enforce our country's $38-billion pledge to their country and How do we know Uber employees did not sabotage the company's self-driving vehicles to have more frequent car accidents in fear of losing their jobs.  That's it... I'm moving to Finland! 


I always remembered hearing for the past 5 decades that “For the love of money is the root of all evil” which is also a popular verse mentioned in the King James bible and we are all well aware of its concept as it still remains true today, but I firmly believe that due to human advancement of high technology the sinful lust for “the love of money” has found a new crime partner to which is commonly known and very much used by the average person as the internet and present day video games, which have further pushed all the major functions of a modernized crimewave ranging from child pornography, stealing credit card and bank information to meddling into presidential elections. 

On March 18, two people were seriously injured in Austin, Texas in front of their home by a unknown package that was activated by bomb attached to a “tripwire.”  FBI and ATF firmly believed that this incident was related to three other similiar bombings that occurred earlier this week in the same city that already killed three people including a 17 year-old female.  Law officials indicated that some of the mechanical parts to these type of bombs can be easily purchased on-line in the internet.  I don’t know about you...folks...but it sounds to me that we may have a copycat of the infamous Unabomber on our hands only this time he or she is wearing a cowboy hat!

On December 11, 2017, Taxi driver, Akayed Ullah, intentionally detonated a homemade pipe bomb in a New York subway that was formed with mixture of X-mas lights, sugar and match-heads that he learned how to create on the internet because he wanted revenge for his Muslim Palestinians at the Gaza Strip in the middle east, luckily, the only person, who was hurt was himself.

On Friday, a 57-year old Miami man was sentenced to 7 years in a state penitentiary for assaulting a 17-year old with a metal pole over a Pokemon virtual video game and today this morning a 9-year old Mississippi boy shot his older sister to death with a handgun over an argument of a video game controller.

So what is going on here?  Don’t we have enough worries around us to be concern what’s happening in our own livingroom? Even though the internet has been as equally beneficial for us don’t you think it’s time it should also be closely monitored as a dangerous weapon? But how can we accomplished this ?  Maybe the Trump Administration can answer that question, but...oh yeah I forgot...they are too busy getting rid of Whitehouse staff members or trying to tackle the country’s epidemic with opiates...huh...ok...what..ever...well good-luck with that Donald duck...I mean...Mr. President!

Sunday, March 18, 2018


On Tuesday, March 13, two farmworkers were involved in a car crash after trying to flee from federal immigration agents outside the city of Delano. The couple’s vehicle swerved onto a dirt shoulder, lost control and rolled over killing both passengers.  According to local officials, this tragedy was the end result of mistaken identity of a Hispanic male, who was wanted for a federal warrant, but also ignited by the retaliation from ICE for the lack of statewide cooperation in regards to California’s policies that limit government officials and employers’ ability (AB-450) from helping the federal government and  granting California the power to review the conditions of facilities where immigrants are being detained by the feds. (AB-103) thus labeling California as a sanctuary state. 

The Trump  Administration is suing the state of California for allowing local law officials to conduct two practices 1) SB-54 law (California Values Act)  also known at the “sanctuary law”, where California Law Enforcement are refusing to cooperate with the federal government in relations to: a)That federal authorities are not being notified when a immigrant will be released from jail or prison b) Not giving other “non-public” personal information other than the immigrant’s immigration status. c) Not transferring immigrants directly into federal custody from the local jails without a warrant from the judge also known as the detention review law (although local officials are allowed to do so if the immigrant is connected to a crime)

In responses to the new California laws that were enacted in 2017 where jail facilities are also refusing to hold illegal immigrants for 48 hours for the federal officials to pick them up, ICE are escalating California raids in retaliation for the lack of cooperation.  

Face it...Trump we, Californians, are not playing your game and believe me when I say we are not alone! WE ARE EVERYWHERE!  It’s funny how the federal government is enforcing the Supremacy Law and Doctrine Of Preemption of the U.S Constitution (where federal may require the state to stop certain behaviors it believes interferes or in conflict with federal law) with the state of California, which has 3/4 Hispanic population rate, but yet a few lousy sanctions were inflicted to the state of Colorado for being one of the first states to legalize Marijuana, which is still not fully accepted by the federal government by: 1) Not allowing federal employees to use marijuana 2) A college student may lose financial aid and 3) A  applicant may lose federal housing benefits...but that’s it!  Could these weak examples of federal discipline from the Trump Administration be because the State of Colorado has been branded in the past as one of the most racist state in the nation, and once the largest Klu Klux Klan organizations in the U.S from 1920 to 1960?  Hmmm what a coincidence!

Regardless, sue us if you want Trump, we’re still not budging...in fact do yourself a favor and deal with other more serious matters like the endless battle against drugs or the war with ISIS and their lone wolf followers or maybe try to do something with the illegal use of firearms on our school grounds and if that’s too much for you and your trusty administration to handle than at least invest into a descent legal counselor to oversee your son’s divorce because...homeboy...he’s going to need it...and stay the hell out of our state!

Saturday, March 17, 2018


It was a sunny afternoon when I encountered an old friend of mine, who asked me, “Hey Cruzer you’re into real estate...right?”

“Yes sir” I replied.

“Hey...I saw a commercial the other day about this company “Purplebricks”, he said,  "Who claimed they can help a person save thousands of dollars when they sell their home...how true is that?”

I placed my hands on my hips, tilted my head back and laughed out loud like Popeye...which went something like this, “Ga..ga..ga..ga!” then I playfully pinched his right cheek and said, “You silly little man...let me tell you the in’s and out’s of real estate!”

First of all, I explained the facts about the company Purplebricks, which was originally based somewhere in the United Kingdom and Australia area.  According to a consumer website similar to that of the BBB, A.Spokesman.Com, there had been 20 consumer complaints against the company out of 27 reviews indicating that the customer were under the false impression that they don’t have to pay a commission for their home and just a one time flat fee, but that is regardless if you sell your property or not and you still have to do the paperwork!  

A article in the Financial Times website, dated February 2, 2018, indicated that a stockbroking company, Jefferies, became suspicious of Purplebricks’ claims of 88% home sales last year, and was later discovered that their sales was actually 51.6% ( a little more than half) and in 2016 the Advertising Standards Authority officially upheld consumer complaints that the company’s advertisement of not paying commission fees was misleading and there was no comparative data to support their statement of “getting the better price our local expert will take care of it.”

So you have to ask yourself, “Is it worth paying someone $3,200 to show you how to sell your own home regardless if you sell it or not?”  

Now let me briefly explain what is involved in a home sale.

1. Must submit all disclosures regarding your home to the buyer...water heater, roof clearance, termite clearance, smoke detector, asbestos, mold, lead based paints hazards, natural hazard and seller's proceeds etc.
2. Must arrange a roof inspection.
3. Must arrange a termite inspection.
4. Must arrange a city inspection and home inspection.
5. Must advised the owner(s) when the bank-appointed appraiser is coming.
6. Must make sure everything (inspections and paperwork) are within the time of escrow.
7. Must notify buyer(s) the assessed value of home for tax purposes. (additional document)
8. Check comparable of the near-by radius for competitive pricing. CMA Market Analysis
9. Writing out a legal residential purchase agreement.
10.  Making sure the buyer is serious of purchasing your home by initiating a deposit to escrow company. (If not seller’s financed)
11. If a sale, open escrow, title policy and the closing process.
12. Negotiate closing costs

If buying:
1. Check if all building permits are legally registered.
2. Check  for any liens or back taxes on the residence.
3. Check on existing and proposed zoning changes, yard variances, conditional permits, covenants and flood zones.
4. Check with the bureau of assessments of any street, sewer or lighting bonds against the property.
5.  If farmland with crops, buyer(s) should obtain a graph and crop report within the last five years that also shows progressive condition of the soil, registered and hidden easements etc.
6.  Take care of financing arrangements (pre-qualifications etc.)
7.  Find a practical loan company.
8. Check the neighborhood for sexual predators and recent crime reports.
9. Obtain official transcripts of territorial boundary lines.

And there still other responsibilities or obligations not listed...so my question remains...Are you still willing to pay $3,200 to someone to sell your house regardless if your property sells or not while you do all the handy-work?  If you said “yes” then I got a bridge I want to sell you!  

So why not let a professional handle all the ruckus besides it is totally free to use the services of a buying agent regardless whose sign it is in the front of the house and a sales agent are very negotiable...like...uhh...me! I even barter for my services if you are not interested to pay with currency.  (That's the power of having a broker's license!)  

So call me with any questions pertaining to real estate transactions land or home because I’m willing “to stand on my head to make you a deal!”...heh...ok...maybe not on my head...but I could dance a mean ass cumbia in my wheelchair...ole!

Friday, March 16, 2018


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my longtime companion and wheelchair, Breezy, was kidnapped this afternoon from my eye doctor’s office, while I was having an eye examination.  A Police report has been filed and is currently under investigation with detectives from the department of Missing Handicap Accessories for anybody, who may have any information on Breezy’s whereabouts.  

Funeral services for Breezy will be conducted next Saturday on the 24th of March at 10:00 a.m  at Reedley Medical Supplies, 1205 11th Street, Reedley, CA. 93654.  There will be a funeral procession following the services led by a line of wheelchairs and handicap walkers for anybody, who may want to participate.  

Unfortunately, Breezy did not have any life insurance so the Breezy Foundation has been started in his honor and we are currently accepting donations of a $1.00 minimum, we also accept Visa, Discover Card, American Express, Child Support, Unemployment and Welfare Checks, Food Stamps or EBT cards, which should be made out to:  Cruz Balderas, 480 W. Sierra Ave. Apt 112, Fresno, CA. 93704. (please don’t ask for a receipt) 

Breezy has returned and is unharmed!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


It was reported today by the U.N Sustainable Development Solutions Network that the country of Finland, which has a population of 5.5 million people, is the happiest place on earth due to the consistency of being the most stable, safest and best governed country out-beating the nomadic country of Norway, who placed a very close second place.  Finland is determined to have surpassed the other countries in accordance to national income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity.

The United States ranked lower this year from 14th place to 18th due to the increase of the obesity crisis, substance abuse and depression.  (Canada placed 7th.)  Aaww... the hell with it...I rather go next door to Mexico where the country sites are prettier, life is cheaper and I can afford to  have a bottle of Dos Equis-XX along with a fat taco of chicharrones!

GROWING PAINS: Dilemma In The Highschools PT.III

On March 13, 2018, A administration of justice teacher from Seaside highschool, Dennis Alexander, who is also a reserve Police officer of the Sand City Police Department for over a decade accidentally fired his handgun while attempting to show his students how to disarm someone.  The accidental gunshot bounced off the ceiling and a bullet fragment ricochet and struck a 17 year old male causing a small injury to his neck...a Mexican dude para chingarle...go figure!  It was reported that two other students also received minor injuries from the debris, but their wounds were not disclosed nor the make or model of the handgun that was accidentally fired.  

Wow...and Trump wants to arm our teachers!  Maybe it's not a big deal now because the student's injuries were superficial, but what would of happened  if his wounds were fatal?  Would we taken this matter more serious...well we should because I honestly believe school teachers have enough on their agenda to worry about the safety issues of their weapon...don't you?  Or do we need another accident to happen?https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/14/us/california-teacher-fires-gun/index.html

Wednesday, March 14, 2018




She turns 32-years today, I am so proud of what she has become!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri-Starring Francis McDormand-Dark comedy drama-Now available on Red Box.

Only The Brave-Starring Josh Brolin-True story of Arizona firefighters-Now available on Red Box.

The Shape Of Water-A story of a female janitor's relationship with a laboratory experiment.  Now showing in theaters and soon available on Red Box.  (if not already)

I, Tonta...I mean Tonya-Starring Margot Robbie-Dark comedy of the true story of ice skater, Tonya Harding-Now showing in theaters.

Oscar Winners of 2018:
Francis McDormand-Best Actress In A Leading Role.
Shape Of Water-Best Picture.
Margot Robbie-Best Actress In A Supporting Role.
Cruz Balderas Jr-Best Lowlife Of O.C.

Sunday, March 11, 2018



Five year old Tiarra slips into her “Princesses 
Elena” pajamas after soaking inside a bubble 
bath for nearly an hour and she hears the 
clinging of dishes coming from the kitchen as 
her Mother prepares a evening snack before 

“Ok baby...Fruit Loops or Cap’n Crunch.” said Tiarra’s Mother

“You know I like Cap’n Crunch...mommy!” said Tiarra

“No...you like anything that’s sweet is what it is...you little 
brat.” laughed her Mother 

They sit at the dinner table enjoying each other’s company as Tiarra eats her pink plastic bowl of cereal and her Mother drinks a hot cup of herbal tea that would help sooth her nerves and perhaps get a restful sleep tonight.

“Did you put your dirty clothes in the hamper...like I told you?” asked Tiarra’s Mother.

Tiarra nods her head, “Uh huh”

“Ok now remember put the bowl in the sink when you finish.” said Tiarra’s Mother.

“I know,” replied Tiarra “Uh..mommy..what are we going to do tomorrow?”

“I don’t know...why...what do you want to do tomorrow?” she asked.

“I want to go to the park.” said Tiarra

“Well maybe if it’s a nice day.” replied her Mother.

Suddenly there is a strong knock at the front door.

“Open up....Gloria!” said a man’s voice.

“Quick baby...get in here!” said Tiarra’s Mother as Tiarra scurries inside the pantry and her Mother quickly closes the cupboard behind her. 

“And don’t make a sound.” warned Tiarra’s Mother 

Tiarra opens a tiny crack between the two front door panels of the kitchen cupboard just small enough to see through one eye. She could smell the scent of spicy cinnamon as she squeezes further underneath the bottom shelf putting herself in total darkness...this was not the first time she had to do this! 

There is another knock at the front door...this time it’s louder.

“Come on...open the damm door...Gloria!” said the angry man. “Stop acting stupid!”

Tiarra hears her Mother whispering on her cell phone, “I need an Officer here...my ex-boyfriend is at my front door...he’s drunk again and trying to get in!”

Police Dispatch: “Ok stay on the line..ma’am....we’re sending a Officer.”

Suddenly, Tiarra hears a loud smashing noise and sees a man standing in the middle of their living room.

“It’s Frank...my Mom’s friend!” thought Tiarra  “He use to bring me toys.”

Frank appears to be very angry.

“Why didn’t you open the fucking door?” he snapped

“You better get out of here...Frank!” said Tiarra’s Mom, “The Police are coming!”

Tiarra could see Frank with a open beer can in his hand as he places it on the kitchen table.

“Where were you last night?” he asked “I kept calling you!”

“I already told you...Frank...it’s over.” said Tiarra’s Mother.

Tiarra suddenly sees Frank grab a hold of her Mother from the collar of her blouse.

“It over when I say it is...bitch!” he snarled and tightly wraps his hand around her neck, “I asked you where you were last night?”

“Stop it Frank!” she gasped “Leave me alone!”

Tiarra doesn’t see her Mother anymore, but hears a scuffling of feet then something hard hits the wall that divides the kitchen from the living room followed by the sound of broken glass.  She could see Frank picking up his fist and striking something soft...again...again and again.

“Please...no more...Frank...I’m sorry!” begged Tiarra’s Mother, “I won’t do it again...I swear...please don’t hit me anymore!”

“You ungrateful whore!” growled Frank as he kept raising his fist several more times.

Tiarra suddenly does not hear her Mother and notices a different tone in Frank’s voice, 

“Hey...hey...baby...wake up!” he said, “I didn’t mean it...come on baby...wake up...I didn’t mean it...please baby open your eyes!”

Tiarra could hear her Mother moaning as footsteps hurried inside her bedroom then there is the sound of opening and closing of doors.

“Tiarra...Tiarra...where are you sweetheart?” Frank uttered calmly.

Tiarra wants to come out of the pantry to check on her Mother, but she dare not move and stays very quiet.

“I’m scared!” she whispers softly, “I want my mommy!”

“Tiarra...Tiarra...where are you?” repeated Frank in desperation. “Your mama is looking for you!”

Suddenly the closing sound of a car door is heard outside followed by footsteps running through the kitchen and out the back door.  She is about to crawl out of the cupboard when she hears more footsteps.

“He’s back!” she thought, “Please God...don’t let him find me!” As tears slowly begin to roll down her small rosy cheeks caused by the feeling of intense fear.  

The sound of slamming doors are getting closer as Tiarra shuts her eyes...silently waiting and praying for the sun to soon rise...and take away the night.  

There is total silence when suddenly the doors to the pantry swing open. Tiarra almost faints when she sees a gun, but she bravely looks up and sees the glare of a shiny badge followed by a kind voice behind a friendly smile. 

“Hey baby...it’s ok...you’re safe now.” assured the Police Officer as he stoops down on one knee and extends his strong arms toward her, “Come on mama...you’re safe with me now...I pinky promise.”

Tiarra instantly wraps her arms around the Officer’s neck as he carries her outside and she sees people gather on the street where old ladies are covering their mouth with their hands and a ambulance driving away from her house.

“I wonder if mommy is in there?” she thought.

Tiarra is asked several questions at the Police station by the friendly Officer.

“Now sweetheart...how do you know Frank?” he asked.

“He use to bring me toys.” she replied.

Late that evening, Tiarra, the friendly Police Officer and a very pretty lady stop in front of a large house covered by pink bricks with a long drive way and different color lights inside the flower garden.  

They are greeted at the doorway by a happy white toy Manchester terrier with brown patches, who keeps standing on its hind legs and sniffing at their feet.

“Now Tiarra...these are the Andersons!” said the pretty lady, “They will be taking good care of you until your mommy gets better and comes out of the hospital.”

Tiarra reluctantly lets go of the Police Officer’s hand and walks inside the residence.

The Police Officer stoops down on one knee and gently combs away a strand of Tiarra’s hair from her face with his fingers. “Don’t worry baby...I’ll be back tomorrow...ok...I pinky promise.”

Tiarra nods her head and wraps her arms around the Officer’s neck and hugs him tightly.

The Andersons serve Tiarra a bowl of Cap’n Crunch that she didn’t have the chance to finish earlier while wearing a brand new pair of “Princesses Elena” pajamas.

“Look Tom!” said Mrs. Anderson, “She ate all her cereal...you were hungry weren’t you   sweetie?”

Tiarra nods her head, “Uh huh...mommy says I like sweets.” 

Mrs. Anderson teaches Tiarra to recite a short prayer of baby Jesus before tucking her into bed.

“I’m going to leave the door slightly open and the hallway light on...ok...Tiarra.” said Mrs. Anderson. “Just call me if you need anything...ok...goodnight sweetie.”

“Goodnight” said Tiarra as she lays her head on a soft fluffy pillow, but when she closes her eyes ugly images of Frank keeps appearing in her mind.

“I want my mommy.” she whispers softly as tears slowly begin to roll down her small rosy cheeks caused by the feeling of being completely alone.

So she covers herself entirely with a comforter blanket leaving a tiny crack small enough to see through one eye as she looks around into the surrounding darkness of her glamorous new bedroom that is totally foreign to her....silently waiting and praying for the sun to soon rise ...and take away the night.

Friday, March 9, 2018


Newsflash:  President Donald J. Trump was located this morning by his staff officials lying unconscious in the back yard of the Whitehouse wearing nothing but a smashed sombrero on his head and completely butt-naked.  A trickle of blood was found on his right butt cheek and local investigators are speculating that he was either gang-banged by the Whitehouse Mexican gardeners or suffers from a severe  case of hemorrhoids! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Benjamin Corrales and his wife had worked the agricultural fields nearly all their lives in efforts to create a safe and suitable home for their nine children and perhaps someday be able to retire with a little nest egg at the end of the month to comfortably enjoy the golden years with their grandchildren.  Yet today, 84-year old Benjamin rose up this morning at 6:00 a.m to prune the vineyards to help supplement his monthly social security retirement of $800, which in a 40-hour week is approximately $5 a hour...$5.50 less than today’s minimum wage!  So where is the American dream that our country leaders since 1935 have so often promised us? Is it really 75% of your annual income.  Financial experts indicated that in 2011 to receive the maximum monthly social security benefits of $2,366, a person would need an annual income of $106,800, where the averaged annual income per household was less that $35,000.

There are many of us, who solely compare our Social Security program as a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow so that we could perhaps be finally able to hang up our hats and give a out a loud sigh and say, “Whew...I’m finally done!” but that is not what is happening in our country just ask Benjamin, who tries to make ends meet for only himself and his wife as he limps from severe arthritis to the intensively cold aisles of freshly insecticide grape vineyards.   Where’s his pot of gold that he worked so hard to find? And yet our government have conveniently extended the retired age for every generation to a much older age thinking that because of all these scientific breakthroughs we will live longer...oh yeah Uncle Sam...what about chronic diseases and sickness like Cancer, diabetes, leukemia, MRSA where there is no age requirement and let’s not forget the stubborn consistency of the season flu, which seems to become more deadlier each year specifically to our children!  

So for what real purpose do we pay into the SS?  To be paid below minimum wage when we can no longer work?  Lucky for Benjamin, he can still physically move to do his job...but for how long?  I called the social security office the other day and asked one of their representatives if there were any cost-of-living increases on retired checks and she said “Well depends on the economy.”   What...Really... But you guys are pretty damm quick when it comes to overpayment and deduct from our monthly checks!  What ever happened to fair equality?  

We The People...remember?

Many citizens are fortunate enough to boost their retirement income by investing into individual retirement plans like 401 (k) or PERS for a higher return rate, but what of those individuals, who can barely afford to pay their electric bill each month? Maybe we should not invest into social security altogether and instead pay directly into these other funds with higher retirement rates because let’s face it folks...EVERBODY’S TIME IS VALUABLE...no matter what occupation! 

As for those, who want to still participate in our nation’s social security program...please proceed with caution because that kettle of gold at the end of the rainbow that was supposed to fulfilled the retired security blanket for the American people is slowly getting empty!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Wow...Must be nice to be in one of those Spanish novelas they’re the only people I know, who can be:

Terminally ILL-the 1st day.  
Find A Cure-the 2nd day. 
Die-the 3rd day. 
Return From The Dead-the 4th day.
Find True Love-the 5th day 
Cheat On Their Spouse-the 6th day. 
Get Divorce & Fall In Love Again-the 7th day 

And then start the cycle all over again the following week...No Hombre...I’m going to become a novela movie star so that I can grow my hair, lose a lot of weight and run the pinche Boston Marathon!

Monday, February 26, 2018


Donald Trump announced on Monday that he would of rushed in to save the students and teachers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas HighSchool while the active shooter was on school campus carrying a AR-15 assault rifle “even if I didn’t have a weapon” he said, and yet a huge multi-billion dollar wall is being built at the border because he’s so afraid of us little Mexicans, who only carry a pair of orange clippers and grape pruning shears along with a brown paper sack lunch of Abuela’s homemade burritos of Pappas con Chorizo toppled with “El Pico De Gallo!”

Saturday, February 24, 2018

GROWING PAINS-Dilemma In The Highschools PT. II

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018, President Donald Trump announced that he is proposing to   post armed military veterans to deter any potential attackers from our schools, which was about time the Federal government took some type of action considering there had been approximately 239 school-related shootings where 438 people have been injured and 138, who had lost their lives according to the Gun Violence Archives. This proposal, of course, was promptly labeled by many politicians and state officials as “ludicrous” because even though military veterans familiarity with firearms is better than the national average, it would still take multiple troops to fully secure a single school, which easily could become a financial burden for the state’s annual budget and likewise for it’s taxpayers. Some school districts pay approximately $700,000 on yearly contracts to Sheriffs department for their protection, whereas, school districts in Fontana, Hesperia, Apple Valley have Police departments on their own school campus, unfortunately, the downfall to this concept is lack of availability, for example, the San Bernardino City Unified School District had their own On-Campus Police Department since 1973 with only 26 Police Officers, who been serving as “problem solvers”, youth advocates, counselors and school community liaisons for over 49,000 students, which is way out of balanced.

I may not be familiar with the in’s & out’s of all the “Red Tape” involved with the Federal and State distributions from our annual tax proceeds, even though much of it supposedly  contributed to the nation’s public roadways, infrastructures, state-programs and education, I cannot see why we can’t collect a small percentage of these taxes already obtained from major consumer-demand money-making markets, for example-the alcohol and tobacco industry, DMV Fees, Transportation (Gas, oil, tires), Gambling (lottery, on-line gambling) and Marijuana Dispensaries, which should totaled in billions of dollars and experiment using a five-year program with a local school to study its outcome and find out the expenses to maintain, by commencing a checklist, for example, hire ample security or Police personnel the 1st year, 
top-of-the-art surveillance equipment 2nd year, protection devices 3rd year, specialized individuals or unit assigned to monitor “potential hazards” students by checking backgrounds, social media input etc (similar to that of a probation officer), which totals a combination of all-around security measures, but initiated in a timely manner and within the realms of federal and state budget and then conduct a survey if  there were less gun-related incidents or cancel the program altogether...but at least it’s a start, our children are worth the effort!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

GROWING PAINS: Dilemma In The Highschools

18 school shootings since January 1, 2018, averaging 3 gun-related incidents per week including the deadly St. Valentine massacre of Parkland, Florida where 17 highschool students lost their lives plus another 14, who were seriously injured, which immensely outweighs the St. Valentine massacre of 1929, where only 7 seven men (mostly mobsters) were murdered in cold blood.  So what is going on?  Isn’t it bad enough that America has to cope with the threatening of international terrorism, lone wolf attacks, drug cartel retaliation, hate crimes, serial killings and gang violence, but now we have to deal with the safety of our own children’s school playgrounds! I don’t know about you, but I would hate the fact that a war zone can actually take place in the realms of my own back yard if things continues this way, which I see as a very high possibility in the not too-distant future!  

So what is the answer?  How can we stop this epidemic from happening again or at least slow it down a little? Many Americans are screaming “gun control” which have to overcome obstacles like powerful organizations and political influence, but there is one interesting fact regarding this objective and it involves the country of Australia, who have one of the lowest school-shooting incidents in the world since 1996 and this amazing feat was accomplished by a national gun-sweep where the state and local governments initiated a buy-back policy and collected approximately 1/5 of all firearms in circulation and enacted a mandated federal law prohibiting private gun sales requiring all weapons to be individually registered to the owner, who have to give a “genuine reason” for needing each weapon at the time of purchase.  (Self-defense did not count) and this movement greatly reduced firearm related homicides by 59%...a little more than half!

Another alternative concerned citizens are suggesting to prevent gun violence in our public schools is to heightened up “security”, but how much is the federal, state and local governments willing to spend on this concept?  And much security is needed to make our public schools fool proof or actually bullet-proof that will guarantee the safety of our children and not interfere with the regular chores of day to day school activities and educational programs? The city of Las Vegas, which has one of the most advanced security systems in the country also known as the “miniature surveillance state”, where it’s casinos spent decades in perfecting their security with the eye in the sky technology that watches everybody and cameras on almost every street corner of hotels, restuarants etc...yet what happened on October 1, 2017 where a sniper sneaked into the Mandalay Bay hotel with a load of semi-automatic weapons and killed approximately 58 innocent bystanders attending a outside concert.  Even the White House itself, whose elite secret service are supposed to protect our very own President, had a security breach when Omar Gonzalez jumped over the fence of the White House on September 19, 2014 and entered through the North Portico door and ran wildly through most of the main floor before being tackled by a counter assault agent.  And these agents are highly trained individuals and yet some are suggesting to train our school teachers with anti-terrorist tactics and carry a firearm?  To what level do we train them to be sufficient enough? So my question remains...how much security is enough security to once again create a safe haven in our schools and at what expense.  Are you the humble taxpayer willing to fit the bill?  How about those unfortunate ones who cannot afford it?

What does seems very possible if this current rate of gun violence continues is the up-lifting of private tutoring, on-line and distant-learning classrooms and independent school studies, which may or may not enhance the student’s intellectual learning process that can easily be more costly for the parent likewise financially beneficial for the qualified instructor.  Many parents may feel taking this route may be a small price to pay as long as we can prevent our children from harm’s way, but what of the student’s social values?  Like attending the Christmas formal, the highschool prom, school sponsored sports events, the athletic understanding behind teamwork, the joys of winning a championship or the disappointments of losing one, the up and down cycle of highschool romances, the personal or inner challenges of your very first fist-fight or speaking in front of a  classroom, which all signifies the normal adolescent process  of a healthy child’s growing pains 

I guess one alternative into replacing the school-orientated social building process is the boys will be able to improve their skills on video games (hopefully none that include firearms) while the girls update Snapshots on their cell phones or mingle on Facebook during their school recess because of the easy accessibility.  Are social values that important? Can parents somehow duplicate school-related recreational activities at home, or replenish them with more healthier choices and possibly open a new specialized field for some consulting firms and counseling service.  For many this is also a small price to pay in exchange for their child’s safety, but will different or unusual behavioral patterns surfaced?  And who be willing to be the guardians or the new dean of schools to closely monitor their activities...you?  Do you have time or the money?  I think if this chaotic disease of gun violence progresses many parents will prevent their children from attending public schools, which may minimized their yearly budget because of the lack of attendance and either closed down the smaller schools or forced them to merge with the larger ones, and school teachers will either lose their jobs due to the insufficiency of state funds or leave to the private sector for better pay.  This theory is, of course,  just pure speculation on my part, but then again what do I know...I’m just a loudmouth rebel without a cause!