Sunday, March 18, 2018


On Tuesday, March 13, two farmworkers were involved in a car crash after trying to flee from federal immigration agents outside the city of Delano. The couple’s vehicle swerved onto a dirt shoulder, lost control and rolled over killing both passengers.  According to local officials, this tragedy was the end result of mistaken identity of a Hispanic male, who was wanted for a federal warrant, but also ignited by the retaliation from ICE for the lack of statewide cooperation in regards to California’s policies that limit government officials and employers’ ability (AB-450) from helping the federal government and  granting California the power to review the conditions of facilities where immigrants are being detained by the feds. (AB-103) thus labeling California as a sanctuary state. 

The Trump  Administration is suing the state of California for allowing local law officials to conduct two practices 1) SB-54 law (California Values Act)  also known at the “sanctuary law”, where California Law Enforcement are refusing to cooperate with the federal government in relations to: a)That federal authorities are not being notified when a immigrant will be released from jail or prison b) Not giving other “non-public” personal information other than the immigrant’s immigration status. c) Not transferring immigrants directly into federal custody from the local jails without a warrant from the judge also known as the detention review law (although local officials are allowed to do so if the immigrant is connected to a crime)

In responses to the new California laws that were enacted in 2017 where jail facilities are also refusing to hold illegal immigrants for 48 hours for the federal officials to pick them up, ICE are escalating California raids in retaliation for the lack of cooperation.  

Face it...Trump we, Californians, are not playing your game and believe me when I say we are not alone! WE ARE EVERYWHERE!  It’s funny how the federal government is enforcing the Supremacy Law and Doctrine Of Preemption of the U.S Constitution (where federal may require the state to stop certain behaviors it believes interferes or in conflict with federal law) with the state of California, which has 3/4 Hispanic population rate, but yet a few lousy sanctions were inflicted to the state of Colorado for being one of the first states to legalize Marijuana, which is still not fully accepted by the federal government by: 1) Not allowing federal employees to use marijuana 2) A college student may lose financial aid and 3) A  applicant may lose federal housing benefits...but that’s it!  Could these weak examples of federal discipline from the Trump Administration be because the State of Colorado has been branded in the past as one of the most racist state in the nation, and once the largest Klu Klux Klan organizations in the U.S from 1920 to 1960?  Hmmm what a coincidence!

Regardless, sue us if you want Trump, we’re still not fact do yourself a favor and deal with other more serious matters like the endless battle against drugs or the war with ISIS and their lone wolf followers or maybe try to do something with the illegal use of firearms on our school grounds and if that’s too much for you and your trusty administration to handle than at least invest into a descent legal counselor to oversee your son’s divorce because...homeboy...he’s going to need it...and stay the hell out of our state!

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