There once in the kingdom of many, ruled a King, who was so poor due to his land being dry producing very little crop that he eventually grew scorned with greed and stole the Sun, Moon and Stars leaving the people of his kingdom with twenty years of doom and despair obscuring any chances of freedom and future happiness.
One day a pauper, wearing an old dirty robe and a hood shadowing his face, entered the King’s castle making a request for the Sun as it will allow the people in the kingdom to prevail and work again.
“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King.
“As a gift from the people,” replied the pauper, “They will give you a portion of their harvest!”
After giving his request some thought, the greedy King reluctantly agreed and reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Sun ridding the people’s fears of doom from his kingdom.
The pauper then made a second request for the Moon as it will allow the people in the kingdom to have their rest at night.
“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King.
“As a gift from the people,” replied the pauper, “They will give you one whole hour of worship before they retire!”
After giving his request some thought, the greedy King reluctantly agreed and reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Moon ridding the people’s fears of despair from his kingdom.
The pauper then made a third request for the Stars, but upon seeing that his treasure chest would soon to be bare, the greedy King became angry.
“For what absurd purpose do the people need the Stars?” he shouted.
“So they can dream!” replied the pauper.
“What is in it for me?” asked the greedy King.
There was a sudden moment of silence.
“Nothing!” firmly replied the pauper, “Absolutely.....nothing!”
The greedy King was astonished by the pauper’s answer, but he still gave his request some thought...very much so that a smile slowly emerged on the King’s face as he hastily reached inside his chest of treasures and released the Stars rescinding the dreams of the people in his kingdom back to the skies.
The pauper turned around and about to leave the castle when the King called him back.
“Please tell me!” begged the insightful King, “If I have nothing left....why do I feel so worthy and content with myself?”
The pauper returned back and unfolded the hood that covered his face revealing a long flock of hair and a beard with gentle eyes as dark as the night, but yet mysteriously magical and just as equally mesmerizing.
”As A Gift From Me!” he softly replied.
moral of the story;
Let’s Learn From Other People’s Ignorance
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